Standard UNE-EN 16401

The European standard UNE-EN 16401 regulates and measures the chemical and physical salt features for salt chlorination. It describes the analytical processes and requirements to be fulfilled by sodium chloride in order to be used as a disinfectant in public and...

Saline electrolysis

The saline electrolysis, also called saline chlorination is a process by which salt is added to the pool water or spa, from which chlorine is separated from sodium and where it is responsible for water disinfection, combining again with sodium when finished. This...

Saline chlorination

Salt water chlorination is a process by which salt is added to the pool water or spa, from which chlorine is separated from sodium and where it is responsible for water disinfection, combining again with sodium when finished. This process is indefinitely maintained by...

Swimming pools salt

We have salt for pools and spas. Lately, salt water pools and spas stand out around the world as the best option for a healthy, pleasant and luxurious bath.   Our special salts for pools and spas, create soft water by decomposing the low levels of salt that are...